A review by a_h_haga
Daughter of Llathe by Ben Cassidy


For some reason, I was sure this book was a steampunk one, a prequel to another book I have on my kindle. Even when checking again and again that the two books isn't even by the same authors, I was still sure it would be steampunk!
Have no idea why...
Turned out, though, it was a fantasy story.

I will admit that I read this book late at night, kinda angry and hoping it would calm me down. It did the work, as long as I read it.
The story is short and involving a lot of action.
It is set to a whole new fantasyworld, but unfortunately we don't get a lot of world building. The author keeps throwing phrases and words unique to this world around, but without giving any info about what it means for us.

The writing is good, though, although it is clear the book haven't been past a pro editor.
Not that it is full of mistakes or anything, but there are some things that an editor would pick up and remove before publishing, that is still in this book.

We don't get that big a picture of the characters either.
There is some female rivalry - not about guys, thankfully, but about power - but that just made most of them seem like high horse hoes.
There are some sidecharacters that was clear in their personality and I didn't have any problem placing, but I had trouble placing both of the big players.

All that said, it was an OK book, but I'm not sure I'll use money on buying the next one.