A review by melissapalmer404
Double Click by Lisa Becker


Book #16 Read in 2014
Double Click by Lisa Becker

I received an ebook of this copy from the author to review a long time ago and I woefully neglected it....and now that I read it (in one day!) I don't know what took me so long to get to it! Double Click is the sequel to Click: A Love Story, which I loved. These books are told totally in emails...between friends Renee (and her boyfriend Ethan), Shelly, Ashley (and husband Greg), Mark and in this book, Mark's new girlfriend Cassidy. The emails are funny, telling and real. The characters are developed through this format in a way that makes one appreciate Becker's great writing. I recommend these books. I am hoping that there will be a book 3...and if I score a review copy of that one, I promise not to take forever to read it!
