A review by thekillingedge
Deathwish by Rob Thurman


I've actually owned this book since it was released but never got around to reading it. I'm not entirely sure why since I did like the series.

When I finally started reading this, I wound up putting it down before I even reached page 90 and read three books before picking this up again. Maybe I wasn't in the mood for it?

What I liked most about this was the change in PoV from Cal to Niko. I can't recall if the author did this in any of the other books but it really worked here. We also see that Niko is not actually perfect and he is not indestructible. The brother relationship really shines in this book; we get to see Cal's willingness to do what is best for the world, Niko's refusal to let that happen, Cal's terror at nearly losing his brother, and Niko's real obsession with trust and the truth. This book gave the characters a depth that I hadn't seen before.

Maybe I will run out and pick up the fifth book soon.