A review by gabi90
Snakes Among Sweet Flowers by Jason Huffman-Black


There was a quiet humor to the narration, which I liked a lot. The story was progressing surely but really slowly. Nothing really happened other than Cam trying to live a new life in a small town after he abandoned the evil ways of living in Atlanta, and he didn't want to go back to jail a third time. The townspeople were very neighborly, and welcomed him with open arms, - not that he deserved it since he tried to con them and steal from them - except one sexy police officer, who had his suspicions.

A two-time ex-con and a police officer. They hated each other at first, and for obvious reasons, they didn't trust each other. I guess it's safe to say this fits into to the enemies-to-lovers category.

Up until around the 60% mark, I loved it, and I thought once we get to the romancy stuff it would be mind-blowing and worth the wait, right? Wrong! One minute they were sucking each other off casually, the next...

"Are we okay?" Cam asked.
"I... I-I don't know"

They were acting like they were together for some time now, but excuse me, no. That didn't happen, they skipped some steps.

And I didn’t even get to enjoy that part when all of a sudden the shit hit the fan with Cam's past knocking on the door and it turned into a crime-fest. And I could've accepted that (though I'm not a fan), but the lack of romance killed it for me.

And then at the end there was all kinds of topics: about coming out and the church, about settling down.

One highlight of this story for me was Grant, the town's snobby gay guy with a wife and 2.5 kids. Everyone knew he was gay, but no one really talked about it. He didn’t really serve a purpose other than
Spoilerouting Jackson, the deeply closeted police officer and Cam's love interest
, but he was kinda hilarious. He got exactly one chapter where we got his POV, but it was fun. He's an ass though but I liked him as a side character.

Trigger warnings: rape (Cam talks about it in a memory, so it's not very detailed), angry sex (after some hand to hand combat; not penetrative), stealing from old people, mention of child abuse, also !spoiler!
Spoilerkilling and death (on-page)