A review by wyrmbergmalcolm
Asterix in Britain, by René Goscinny


The Gauls are off again, this time to Britain to deliver a barrelful of magic potion to Asterix's distant cousin's village. Of course, this give the French creators free reign to give across their send-up of the British. As a British person, I feel that they got us country down to a tea (see what I did there?).
Having seen the movie adaptation it's weird that Dogmatix is not in this story as he was given quite a bit to do in the film.

These books are full of bright, fun and delightful characters who go on various adventures and get to beat up a bunch of Roman soldiers. Accompanying the story and the characters is a plethora of clever puns and word play that the translators should get a medal for. There are always a few gags or phrases in Latin that may mean nothing to the non-Latin speakers (such as myself) but Google can lend a helping hand there.