A review by chelsead87
52 Loaves: One Man's Relentless Pursuit of Truth, Meaning, and a Perfect Crust by William Alexander


I finally finished this! I liked 52 Loaves; it was slightly humorous both in the writing and in the idea of one man's monomaniacal (yes, Ahab-like) pursuit of the perfect loaf of bread being book-worthy. Every time I sat down and started reading it, I did get sucked into William Alexander's prose--light-hearted and witty--but it was never a book that I clamored to get back to. The best chapter hands down is the chapter at the monastery in Normandy; it made slogging through the first 40ish weeks of bread-making prose worth it. I can't say that I'll ever want to read it again, but if you like bread and personal narrative then this book is for you!