A review by gon8go
The War on the West by Douglas Murray


I agreed with much of what this book has to say but…

This is a worldwide view of anti-west sentiment and the self loathing nature of our current culture. I’ve see some of the things it puts forward like a desire to “de-colonize” the white western canon by removing it from school reading lists in favour of modern, more diverse selections. The problem I had with it is when it turns into a list of anecdotes intended to be inflammatory.
Some of the things he lists are sometimes not well researched. He mentioned the residential schools here in Canada where the bodies of indigenous child were found in unmarked graves. He infers that it was based on the claims of one person with little evidence to back it up, I know that to be untrue, forensic pathologist were sent from around the country to investigate. Also, I had a hard time swallowing his defence of the church and the idea that without religion there can’t be true morality.

Overall I agree with his main message which is that western culture has done many evils but also many good things and tearing the whole thing down would be like throwing the baby out with the bath water.