A review by checkers09
Greek Lyric Poetry by M.L. West


Greek lyric poetry by M.L. West contains Lyric poems from the most praised poets from the 8th to 5th century BCE during the Archaic age in Greek history.

For starters, it's incredible we even have any record of these poems at all, considering most of them are over 2500 years old! unfortunately, it shows in how fragmentary a lot of them are, many verses are cobbled together with brackets and breaks in the sentence, which make it hard to understand. on top of that, the poems themselves aren't easy to follow on their own, it seems like the poets just wanted to add as many beautiful quotes and sentences as they could even if they have absolutely no meaning to the poem as a whole. Not all of the poems were incoherent, though, and I did enjoy Simonides and Sappho's poetry, surprisingly, as I never thought I would like love poetry.