A review by anetq
Liquid Rules: The Delightful and Dangerous Substances That Flow Through Our Lives, by Mark Miodownik


Maybe I'm being unfair and I ought to give this 4 stars, as it wasn't bad, it just really wasn't as good as the amazing [b:Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World|18222843|Stuff Matters Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World|Mark Miodownik|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1382416634l/18222843._SY75_.jpg|25332648] - which I really recommend to anyone!
Maybe I was expecting too much, but this just wasn't as good or elegant, and worse: It didn't really seem to teach me, what it wanted, what I remember mostly from this is the slightly annoying frame narrative of a transatlantic flight. Stuff Matters actually taught a lot about materials and their properties. This goes through types of liquids and their properties but it seems to be missing a red thread to help one remember, or at least my brain just goes 'think, thin, flammable, temperature = speed of moving molecules, mkay'. Sadly a little more boring textbook, than fascinating storytelling to make one read up on science, when one could be enjoying a better story elsewhere...