A review by shirezu
Derrick Storm: A Raging Storm - Im Auge des Sturms by Richard Castle


This books up exactly where the last one left off. Storm is in the thick of a conspiracy reaching around the world and is trying to figure it out before it's too late. There was a slight rehashing of the events of the last book but it was just enough to refresh my memory without being too much.

The story unfolds further with more of the motive behind it all becoming clear. There's not a lot of progression in the Storm/Showers relationship though. I think these novella could be a bit longer. I was really starting to get into it when suddenly it's over and I have to wait a couple more months for the next part. But they do leave me wanting to read the next part, which isn't a bad thing. I like these little adventures I can sandwich between larger books. Bring on the next one!