A review by ms_gnabi
Fanfare, by Renée Ahdieh


Are you looking for a book to read? A book filled to the brim with clichés? The I-Dropped-My-IPod-By-The-Hot-Movie-Star-Who-Is-Not-Cocky-And-Is-Just-Lonely-Even-Though-He-Is-Surrounded-By-His-Entourage-And-Nobody-Can-Understand-Him-Rxcept-For-Her. And she is a totally chill person who definitely does not listen to mainstream music, instead she listens to unique music so when he gets her iPod he is intrigued. Then we go through the whole I-had-my-heart-broken-so-we-can-only-be-friends. Then the phase of oh-I-like-you-but-I'm-not-too-sure-yet. Then we have the media finding out who she is and cussing her on the internet. And his agent is a complete and utter moron who hates her. And he has a gay hair dresser. And last but not least:

*druuuummmm roooollll*

He asks her to marry him and she's super excited and she says yes and obviously even though he's not a shallow movie star, he has to let people know that he will get his wife the biggest diamond ring ever. And then her ex-fiancé finds her and tells her he's still in love with her and she realises oh I cant get back with my ex because he doesn't deserve me but I cant be happy with the hot movie star either because I don't deserve him. Then she spends a whole load of time wallowing in self pity till she finally comes to her senses and goes after the movie star and they live happily ever after. And she has to have a fight with her best friend before she comes to her senses of course. The End.

There are lots more but tbh by this point I was skimming the pages just to get to the end. Maybe I would have enjoined this book a few years ago but now its just MEH.