A review by let_therebebooks
Gutter Girl by Lynn Rush



Thank you to Kelly Anne Blount and Lynn Rush for reaching out and sending me their new story for an honest review! I loved their story; In the Penalty Box, so I knew this one would be just as good. This is out next week!

As someone who grew up loving to write and tell stories, I seriously would read my awful stories to my parents for hours (Bless them), I totally loved and could relate to Jace’s character. It was fun watching him come up with his Kingdom of Swords story and how people just devoured it!

I loved the representation in this one! There was representation for mental illness, especially Bipolar disorder, which I really appreciated. I enjoyed reading about the quiet, outcast, as she destroyed all high school stereotypes.

The only thing that really bothered me was how repetitive Jace was in talking about how he just couldn’t tell people his secret. By the end of the story though, he had a lot of growth and so did McKenna. Both their characters were great. Even the side characters, like Kyle, had growth. That makes for a good, freaking book let me tell you.

Matthew still sucks though.

I can’t wait to read the second in this series!