A review by shazov
Drawn In by Sean Ashcroft


This is a very, very hard review to write. I've never been so close to DNF-ing a book to be perfectly honest, and considering I've only ever done that to 1 book, I think it says a lot! However I kept hoping it would get better...

There is so much I feel I want to say about this book. It had a great promise and could have been an absolute ripper of a story. But, it wasn't. To be honest, it was a rather big let-down.

There are major inconsistencies throughout the whole book. I found things that made me question time lines, medical inaccuracies, actually not just inaccuracies, but pure made-up kinda stuff. Behaviours that didn't mesh up with background we were given. All in all it was a rather big mess. And to top it off, the writing felt immature as well.

I'm not blaming the author. If this story has had beta readers, they need to be replaced. The editor of this book needs to be sacked. Not because of any grammatical or spelling issues, no simply because they should have had the sense to point out all the issues I've mentioned above!

While the characters are nice, I really never felt I got to know them well. The story was sweet, but we got no insight into how/why/who/where things happen. They just happen; no background into the marriage proposal, the healthcare issue, nothing. No discussion about how "yes I'm proposing, but remember I'm a straight man and even though you're gay and we're both just 26, you can't expect me to have sex with you"... In fact, there was no discussion about how that was going to go at all. Really? Two healthy 26 year old males and no discussion or thought about not having sex for any foreseeable future? See where I'm heading?

As I said, I feel this could have been a fantastic story about two men coming together to help each other out of very dire and difficult circumstances. But all in all it was just a hot mess and I struggled to finish it.