A review by margarks
Blood Ties by Kay Hooper



Basically just wanted to say that I'm slighlty disappointed in the ending of this one. I don't mind when characters die, but I feel like there has to be a good payoff if that is the case. I feel like a bad guy who spans 3 books is pretty much enough. To leave it open at the end like that with his return is disappointing. I would like to have had Ruby's sacrifice mean more than that, especially because the whole theme for her character was that they couldn't defeat him without her, when in fact they didn't end up defeating him at all. And poor Galen, can't imagine his guilt. I would have liked to have seen him in the epilogue with at least some sort of reaction to the events.

I still enjoyed it overall, just unhappy with the ending. I do like the series as a whole and the idea of a psychic unit or even the idea that psychic abilities can slowly be 'proven' enough for the general public to begin to accept. Interesting premise. So I will keep reading, but man, I wish this one had, had better closure.