A review by snowmaiden
Ragnarök: The End of the Gods by A.S. Byatt


I liked this book much less than I expected to. There are some wonderfully lyrical descriptive passages, but they tend to go on for so long that they become numbing. Byatt is in full infodump mode here, and so it was hard for me to become engaged in the story. One section that did sweep me up is the story of Jormungandr and her life under the sea. I remember that I especially liked the sections of [b: Possession|41219|Possession|A.S. Byatt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1391124124s/41219.jpg|2246190] that were set at the seaside. I think Byatt has a special affinity for aquatic life and it comes out in her writing.

A good point of this book is that it was short. I finished it in two hours, even with frequent breaks. And yet I think it might have been more interesting if it was longer and more fleshed out. As with the end of [b: The Children's Book|6280379|The Children's Book|A.S. Byatt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1320548114s/6280379.jpg|5768221], I sometimes had the feeling that I was reading Byatt's research notes for a more interesting book.