A review by island_reader
Midnight Sun by M.J. Fredrick


This book certainly was an entertaining adventure! Not really my style, but I enjoyed it for the most part. What I really would have loved to see done differently was all the plots pulled together more cohesively. As it is it goes pre-pirates/post-pirates/pre-rescue crash/post-rescue crash, then the end. But wait! The romance! Let's throw a HEA in there with a pretty bow on top! Although, I'm not sure if there is even a HEA… there's no declarations of love or anything.

But yeah, it would have been nice had everything flowed together better. It wasn't bad though! Just after the pirates ordeal was resolved it felt like I was reading a completely different book with the same characters. There were pacing issues after the pirate ordeal as well, but I think that's my issue, because it felt like the book should have been done there (think it was at the 56% mark, but don't quote me on that). It felt like it was dragging on and on. This was an enjoyable book nonetheless. And the author certainly knows how to do action and suspense. I'm glad I read it, but I'm glad I'm done with it. Would I recommend it? Absolutely, if you love romantic suspense in unusual locales, it doesn't get any more unusual than Antarctica!