A review by inwonderland49
The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed this book because it reminded me so much of a futuristic Gossip Girl story. And I love Gossip Girl! I like how this story started with the end: a girl falling off the 1000th floor on the Tower. I like the mystery behind it and how we don't know who it is at the beginning.

I loved the 5 main characters that the story is told from:

Avery - was genetically made to be perfect and she hates it.

Leda - has a secret addiction.

Rylin - mother died and she has to take care of her and her little sister.

Eris - her life just falls apart throughout the story.

Watt - a genius who gets hired to spy on one of the upper level girls.

They are all so different yet they bring so much to the story. A lot of which could be spoilerific. So, there isn't a whole lot to say about them or the plot without giving anything away.

I loved every complication that was within this story: love, betrayal, backstabbing, secrets, and all those typical drama you would get in the everyday life. You really just gotta go in blind with this one. And I hope you liked it as much as I did! :)

About the Authorkatahrine mcgee

Katharine McGee is from Houston, Texas. She studied English and French literature at Princeton and has an MBA from Stanford. It was during her years living in a second-floor apartment in New York City that she kept daydreaming about skyscrapers . . . and then she started writing. The Thousandth Floor is her first novel. You can visit her online at www.katharinemcgee.com or on Twitter at @katharinemcgee .

LINKS: Website | Twitter


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