A review by ndfootballgrl33
Witchbane by Amy Sumida



So far, this has been my least favorite book in this series. I still enjoy the overall story, but I just felt that Seren didn't really do much in this book other than focus on the whole "who should I love" dilemma. I may be in the minority here, but I am not a fan of Raza. The only thing I do like about him is that he doesn't try to keep Seren from making her own decisions. I DO like Killian, however, and look forward to seeing where that goes.

I will say that I really hate the way that the Tiernan situation has panned out in this book. IMO, Seren deserved it considering Danu has saved her ass many times now. Not to mention, she acts like an indignant child more often than not.

Additionally, these books could all do with a bit more editing, and would benefit from some POV back and forth. I read a review a while back were someone said that this author tells us what is happening rather than "showing" us, and I feel that that individual was spot on. If we had some of the story from someone else's POV, it would really help keep it from being so one-sided. Especially when it comes to the guys.