A review by liam__c
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


A pretty emotional ride, especially with the main plot.
Just the side-plots are a mixed-bag imo. Some turn out way better than I expected like the relationship between Chris and Starr about which I didn’t care about in the beginning, but it became one of my favorite parts of the book in the end. 
But others are really weird, especially the whole Hailey thing. I mean, did she really do something wrong until the point where she just out of nowhere literally said that Kalil deserved to die? I don’t think that a joke about Chinese people, thinking someone is a drug dealer while media says exactly that all the time and not wanting to be confronted with extreme activism all the time (just because you don’t want to have activism in all aspects of your life doesn’t automatically mean that you think its bad) is as immoral as the book seemingly wants me to think. Anyway, maybe all of that was just supposed to be an unnecessary high school beef thrown in. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t have needed it.
Overall an alright read about an important topic. I am glad that it exists, but that doesn’t mean I really liked it