A review by laurenjodi
Wed Him Before You Bed Him by Sabrina Jeffries


Wed Him Before You Bed Him
4.5 Stars

Series note: This is the last book in the series and readers are finally rewarded with the revelation of "Cousin Michael's" identity as well as the reason for his anonymity. While there are references to characters and events from previous books, it is actually only necessary to read book #1 to fully appreciate this one.

An excellent conclusion to the series.

Charlotte and David's second chances romance is very engaging. They have intense chemistry and their interactions, both physical and emotional, are incredible. The flashback scene detailing their initial relationship is seamlessly integrated within the story and provides significant insight into their character development. The only minor issue for me is the length of their separation - 18 years is a seriously long time!

The minor mystery revolving around the death of David's wife is compelling although it isn't difficult to guess the ultimate explanation.

All in all, a fantastic read and I look forward to continuing with the spin-off series - The Hellions of Halstead Hall with the first book focusing on David's friend, the disreputable Lord Stoneville.