A review by michelle_ltc
Moby-Dick: Or, the Whale by Herman Melville


I loved this book!!! I am so glad I waited to read it until I was old enough and worldly enough to appreciate its beauty. Melville was inspired to write this while he was living where I live now. A small plaque in my neighborhood is what inspired me to read it. Metaphor upon metaphor. I could picture it. I could feel it. I could smell it. I never expected the humor in it, literally laughed out loud at times. A ship full of men from completely different cultures and religions, one without at least a cursory knowledge of such topics might get bogged down by the vocabulary of ancient histories and philosophies. I have never felt so smart. :)
And how in the world did Melville write such a believable, first hand account when he, himself, had absolutely no whaling experience? I loved every bit and learned a lot about whales in the process. Planning a whale- watching excursion now.
I did not read this in one sitting. Prior to starting, the plan was to read one chapter each night. Some days, I read
just one, sometimes I read until sleepy. I read or listened to other books along the way yet nothing was lost from the Moby Dick experience. I'm so glad I read it for myself.