A review by simlish
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism by Mary Daly

DNF at 100 pages. This was my second try at this book and it looks like it might take a third (and fourth and fifth...) to plow all the way through it. I have mixed feelings -- when Daly speaks clearly about oppression, it's really up there among the theory I've read. She indisputably knows her stuff backwards and forwards, but the writing is just so 70s that I get bogged down. I understand Hag-ography and Crone-ology (.... I think), but I trip over them, and the excessive alliteration and the matriarchal far history she talks about -- I've checked a few but not all of her sources and it just seems more hopeful than real to me. Also the persistent transphobia is like stubbing a toe each time. I think there's a lot in Gyn/Ecology that's worth the work, but I need to work up to it some more.