A review by readingmissfroggy
In the Coils of the Snake by Clare B. Dunkle


2.5 stars, not as bad as the second book in this trilogy but definitely not good.

This book overall felt boring. There was a lot of repetition of several elements from the second book, certain things were explained a bit too much and the characters were dull.
Were the second book was all about finding brides, this one is all about trying to let these brides accept their fate (of a forced marriage). Miranda showed promise but once she concluded that her captor was handsome and she fell in love with him (even though he forced her to do a lot of stuff and she didn't really know him at all) it became a lost cause.
The ending was kinda interesting but too sweet for my taste and couldn't safe the book for me.

My advice: read book 1 (which is a fun read) and then stop. Consider it a standalone, not a series.