A review by the_travellingmind
The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult


Did it take me time to get into the book-yes.
Did I thought at times this book was not for me-yes.
Why? Egypt - I have no interest.
Did I realise that all the detail is necessary as with all Jodi’s books-yes
Am I still confused with the timelines-yes.
Did I have heart palpitations and stopped breathing-yes. I absolutely did to a point where I almost did not want to know what happened.
Am I mad that it ended on a cliff hanger-YES! I need to know.
Do I think this was a good book-YES.
Would I recommend it-YES.

I was warned it will take time to get into it and it did but I was also told in the same breath it is a good book.

I loved Wyatt and Meret and Win. Dawn is debatable but I can relate to her in some ways.

I still want to know!

This will also be my first annotated book. Even of it only have 4 notes-it is still 4 notes and I like it!