A review by onceandfuturelaura
Death of Wolverine by Charles Soule


Wolverine is dead.

It's a beautiful book, and there were some very good lines, but - and it pains me to say it -- DC handled the Death of Batman oh so much better in Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader, https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/642971288. But maybe that's just because Wolverine is not that reflective of a character. Kitty Pryde (who I have to love because she helped to inspire Buffy the Vampire Slayer) says to him at one point "You always come to Madripoor when you get all reflective," which, DESPITE resting on the head of a dragon, is not chock full of wisdom.

He does head into the desert at the end, but that sure ain't to find wisdom.

Wolverine is dead.

(and wtf, he was married to Viper and had a son that ran Madripoor? Good grief, I've missed a lot of his story).