A review by slushhhhy
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis


I wouldn't say I'm particularly squeamish or easily offended when it comes to book content but it did get a bit tedious reading porn/torture porn every other chapter, with brand and clothing descriptions in between that. I so wanted to like this book as much as I do the film, but I actually think this is one of those times where the film is done better!

I feel like I got the satire and nihilistic message in the first half of the book so getting through the last part was a real slog. I guess by the end of it is when you realise how much of an unreliable narrator Bateman is and yeah makes you question all of reality blabla, but honestly that message could have been delivered in 200 less words and at least 10 less sexually violent murders. The whole book just has the same stuff, repeated in slightly different scenarios throughout. Apart from the very end as mentioned. I don't know whether to feel proud I finished it or regret for wasting my time!