A review by aprilreads_andwanders
When Stars Come Out by Scarlett St. Clair


3.5 Stars- This is a little bit hard to rate and review for me. I found some aspects to be a bit underwhelming, BUT at the end of the day I enjoyed it and want to see where this goes! I found the concept really intriguing. An Orpheus and Eurydice retelling (although I’d say very loosely-maybe it will tie in closer in the sequel), a girl who can see ghosts and struggles with this ability as it clashes with the normalcy she craves, and a race of Valryn-an order of human/raven shifters who’s job it is to protect humans from otherworldly creatures and to find the Eurydice because only the Eurydice can open the gates to the underworld and herd the souls through (holy run on sentence sorry!)

The story was action packed and the pacing was quick (which is great). I think my issues primarily stem from a lack of depth. I feel the events of the plot outpaced character development and world building. The characters fell flat for me and I would have liked more insight into the world of the Valryn.

Despite that, I’m excited to see where this goes!

Thanks Sourcebooks Bloom and NetGalley for the eArc!