A review by readingwithrebeccanicole
Vortex by Troy Denning


Read March 2018

2.5 stars
entertaining enough, but disappointing

- I love the interactions between the Jedi and the Sith
- The last fight scene in this book was actually interesting
- Vestara Kai is the best. Seriously.
- Ben and Luke's relationship continues to shine
- Did I mention how great Vestara's character is?

- this book overall was kinda boring
- Tahiri's trial is dragging on waaaaaaay too long. I no longer care.
- I don't care about the freedom flight stuff and didn't feel anything for the journalist when I should have.
- the whole Kenth Hamner, acting grand master, being in conflict with the other masters was just okay. Not as compelling as it should have been
- The entire last scene with Allana and the Barabels. What the hell. We all know that's going to end very, very badly. And it seemed so forced and unnecessary. Why??