A review by deepdivethis
Reality is Not What it Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity by Carlo Rovelli


-Physics history
-Introspective conclusion

I truly didn't know what I was getting myself into when I picked this one up.

So let me tell you: this is a science heavy probe into the human condition and mind (extra heavy on the physics).

As a reader I wish there was just a little bit more of introspection early on in the book. There were some great takeaways in the last 1/6th of this book and I am happy I stuck it out.

Upon finishing I am left with a bit of a twist on how I look at life, specifically on the idea of ignorance, infinity, and heat.

I guess you could say it has me thinking a little more deeply about...reality. So in that I case I believe this book achieved what it set out to do.
