A review by adamdavidcollings
The Greenfield Legacy by Meredith Resce, Amanda Deed, Paula Vince


Four of Australia's Christian authors come together to tell the story of a family - spanning three generations. A legacy has been passed down through the Greenfield family - and not a very good one. It is a legacy of judgementalism and refusal to understand the feelings of others. When a long-lost member of this family re-appears she brings a new hope to the four protagonists of the story. Slowly, a new legacy is built - one of hope.

Each author in this collaboration wrote the point of a view of one of the four characters. Each of them had their own supporting cast. This meant that there were a lot of people to keep track of, but as long as you stay alert it's not too bad. This was definitely a character-driven story, and the characters were very compelling, as were the various relationships between them.

The whole thing was written as a cohesive whole in a way that can only be considered impressive. In this book, we get not one but four character arcs - each of which comes to a satisfying conclusion.

A great Aussie drama.