A review by onecrab
The Hive: The Story of the Honeybee and Us by Bee Wilson


"Bee" Wilson is not a beekeeper. She admits to being afraid of bees. (perhaps a manifest fear of herself?) I was rolling my eyes by the end of chapter one when Ms. Wilson explains her qualification to publish a book on bees via her given name, Beatrice. She's always been Bee, not Bea, and her parents didn't call her Wasp! This kind of ignorance is exactly what we beekeepers are fighting against all the time. Wasps are not bees. If Ms. Wilson doesn't know that, maybe this isn't a good topic for her.

Her writing style may do more good in the bodice ripper section of the library, and the book is in desperate need of an editor. (It's "honey bee", not "honeybee")

Anyone looking for an overly romantic version of honey bees and beekeeping - this is the book for you! For folks interested in real beekeeping and more accurate accounts of beekeeping, keep looking. They are out there.