A review by linngoss
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


Recently I started re-reading a lot of books that I DEVOURED in late middle school/ early high school, to see if they were “actually good” of if it was just all the teenage hormones. Westerfeld’s Uglies is actually good!

From a unique world that challenges, and makes the reader thing about social issues combined with a compelling narratives that engrossed the reader- Uglies is a masterpiece! Uglies tells a story while still pushing the reader to ponder for themselves what is right and wrong- not only in the dystopian society created by Westerfeld, but also in the society we live in. The reader gets to decided how they view “Prettyville”, “Uglyville”, and the “Smoke”- among other things.

I really enjoyed re-reading the book, not just for the nostalgia of it, but because it still is up-to-par with current books that I gravitate towards!

If you’re looking to re-visit your high school library or just want to read a good YA book that had a fresh take on social issues, I would highly recommend Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies.