A review by lizmart88
The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks by Jeanne Theoharis


An essential book to read to understand one of the most important figures in civil rights history.

The life of Rosa Parks is often misunderstood. She is either a woman who was just tired or a strategic political operative. Neither are the whole truth.

This book covers her early life and her parent's experience in community activism. It explores her lifelong involvement in the naacp as secretary and active member. And it reviews not just Claudette Colvin, the 15 year old who refused to give up her seat, but the half dozen others who had refused to give up their seats. This thorough context helps explain why her civil disobedience was so powerful.

Most importantly, it covers her life afterward. She suffered many years of inability to find steady work. She moved away from Alabama to Detroit. But through all the challenges, she maintained her activism.

Highly recommend this book to everyone! Women too often get the short end of the stick in history. MlK and Malcolm X are so important, but Rosa Parks also deserves a thorough biography.