A review by sonia_reppe
Nine Months by Paula Bomer


Sonia is 35 and horrified to be pregnant again, just as she was feeling like herself again, two years after her last pregnancy. Her two boys still young but not babies anymore, she and her husband have just started romancing again (this book uses the F word) and now this!

This is one of the most realistic books about "motherhood" that I've read, because it's not really about that, it's about a woman from Brooklyn who feels trapped even though she loves her husband. The writing is in-your-face honest and somewhat edgy. Different philosophies are personified by people that Sonia has to deal with: her Conneticut-bound friend who places high importance on getting her kids in the "right" preschool; a sister in Colorado who distains city life, whose husband and son go out hunting together; an ex-professor/ex-lover who lives for his art and arrogantly tells Sonia that motherhood kills her artistic soul and that she belongs in front of a TV, humped over a stove and that her life is a lie.

Sonia has panic attacks and one day after dropping her two boys off at preschool she just drives away on a spontaneous trip. Of coure this is horrible and she knows it. She decides to revisit some places and people from her days of youth, and a lot has changed. Most readers will not like Sonia, but I hope they appreciate the honesty. I was interested in her journey, especially because I'm also 35 and I think in all seriousness I would get depressed and crazy if I got pregnant now. (That first year was awful!) This is realistic, but also a fantasy for any mother of young kids that dreams of getting away.