A review by laurelinwonder
The Kitchen-Dweller's Testimony by Ladan Osman


I'd like to begin by quoting a review from the Chicago Tribune, because I think it says what I most want to say succinctly: "the beauty of Osman's words from a craft perspective, but also because of the fierceness of her desire to interrogate such issues as racial politics, violence against women and the struggles of being an immigrant. No matter their subject, her poems are amazingly human and frequently funny, even when they seek, as the title suggests, to testify."

This collection is a dream, because the language is lulling, but the content heartbreaking, and thought provoking. I feel that each reading unveils more. There are many reasons that Osman is on many lists of poets to watch, and I know I will be. Also, she is just a delightful person.