A review by adamantine
The Storm Lords by Ravon Silvius


I enjoy most books I read but those levels of enjoyment vary. Most things aren't WOW I LOVE THIS throughout the whole thing but that makes it even harder when a book IS like that (or at least 90%+ like that). You know that feeling of not being able to stop turning the page, of spending all your free moments reading a book because damn, how can you concentrate on anything else? This book was unfortunately like that for me. I say unfortunately because now what? It's always hard to go back to average enjoyment books after reading something you really loved reading. A least for me.

That being said... why 4 stars out of 5? Well, it's because
Spoilerof the ending. It's not that I disliked the ending... it's that I dislike that I didn't get to see it! The entire ending "epilogue" of sorts would have made a neat sequel. I'd rather have been left in suspense than flashed forwarded that far ahead and being told oh look! Everything worked out! After becoming so invested in the characters (especially, or specifically Rowen) of course I'd feel cheated with an ending like that.