A review by misssusan
Crossed by Ally Condie


Huh. Well this was a pretty...relaxing read? I don't know, the whole book was very muted. It was technically a survival story but there was never any real sense of risk or desperation to it, just a lot of time spent mulling over poetry. Very little in the way of worldbuilding too. Also I don't really know why Condie bothered with dual POVs if she was going to make Cassia and Ky sound identical. I had to flip back to the chapter headings more than once to work out who was speaking.

On the bright side there were a couple of beautifully written moments and I did like the side characters introduced in this volume. It's a pity Indie and Vick never met, they were both fierce and focused in a way Cassia and Ky never quite managed. I would totally read the book where they teamed up to join the Rising.