A review by bookkat
The Craftsman by Sharon J. Bolton


I loved Bolton's book: The Pact, so was eager to read another book by her. The Craftsman, however, was a slog. About ⅔ of the way thru, I thought it was wrapping up and was shocked to see that I still had nearly 3 hours of listening to go. I feel like the book started as one thing (mystery) and then wandered in and around ending up being more or an occult book, which was quite unexpected. I think part of the problem was that I just didn't really care about any of the book's characters, then when the storyline took a left turn, I felt like I was suddenly reading a different book.

Florence Lovelady, in the late sixties is the driving force (among male colleagues who do not appreciate her being there) in finding the evil criminal who has abducted and buried three teenagers alive. Case closed…were it not for the fact that something doesn’t sit quite right. Thirty years later, when the culprit dies and she attends his funeral, those niggling doubts resurface and Florence, now a top-ranking member of the Met, knows that she’s got to get to the bottom of it.

This book had the potential to be a fast-paced and gripping thriller. The witchcraft angle seemed shoehorned in and as a result the ending was rather ridiculous.