A review by wildflowerz76
Asking for Truffle by Dorothy St. James


I'm always in the market for a good cozy. And this one looked cute. But the first one, we only had in trade-sized PB and the second is only in HB. But we finally got this one in used, so I picked it up. It was enjoyable, though Penn wasn't my favorite character. She was too whiny for my taste. There were plenty of kooky characters to fill out the town, though.

I would read more of these, but I won't pay the cover price for these. Cozy mysteries are supposed to be light and fluffy. You read and enjoy them and move on to something else. I'm too cheap to pay double the normal price for this one (and even more for the next because it's only in HB!). If we get #2 in used, I'll probably read it.