A review by every_breath_you_jake
The Path of Ascension by C. Mantis

Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
worldbiilding is primarily sponsored by the concept of "big number is nice". no real description of anything. all characters are so paper-thin that they literally evaporate as soon as the author is done with them.

dropped when the main character recalled to his new gang of overly helpful friends about how he escaped poverty (extremely minor spoiler:
rich benefactor
) and cardboard female party member #2 unitonically remarked, "wow, i'd sleep with you if i didn't have a rule about sleeping with friends! ha ha ha" after having said and done nothing of consequence prior. 

you know it's a glorified self-insert character when he's telling war stories about what happened to him a tenth of the way into the book and pulling women for it.

also, riddled with inconsistencies and goofy design choices. main character's name is matt. why introduce another character named "mathew" (or "matthew" - the author isn't sure which way it is spelled) almost immediately? it just screams 'first draft" to me, so i hope the author's work improves over the course of their follow-up novels. rest assured that i do not have plans to purchase them.