A review by dreadpirateshawn
Piranesi, by Susanna Clarke


This is a very creative story that kept me rapt for a week of binge-reading.

I was not a big fan of [b:Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell|14201|Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell|Susanna Clarke|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1357027589l/14201._SY75_.jpg|3921305] -- I respect it, but I found it too long and unfocused and sprawling for me to enjoy. I only mention this because Piranesi is very clearly by the same author, with a similar vibe in many ways, yet I loved this book. For me, Piranesi is what you get if you distill Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell into its core essence.

A fantastically creative setting... a mystery for reader and characters alike... perfect pacing... I highly recommend this book.