A review by glavreads
The Cursed King by Abigail Owen


Wonderful conclusion to the Inferno Rising series!

The Cursed King is Angelika and Airk's story and I just love them. They share a common bond of feeling useless because their powers are dormant but their similarities, for the most part, end there. This book is fantasy, action, and drama but also grumpy/sunshine, back and forth romance. I love a good fantasy story but sometimes, I find the romance can get lost in the explanation of the world. In The Cursed King, the romance and spice is woven perfectly throughout so Angelika and Airk's relationship and the story develop at the same time.

The love between mates in this series is seriously swoon-worthy and Angelika and Airk are no exception!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.