A review by merqri
Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb


I had kept it in currently reading section because I wanted to write a proper review for it. However, a lot of time has passed and I can't seem to recall everything from the book apart from it being a delicious read.

This book brought back the memories of finishing a book in one sitting. I finished this one when I had some time to kill and was waiting at a bookstore. I completely forgot the time and the place and lost myself in the richly drawn bylanes of Gotham. This is one of the best-looking comic books I have read till date. The artwork is surreal and modern. The girls are smoking sexy and the actions sequences are well drawn as well.

I loved the story for it gives justice one of two supervillains which I always find otherwise underwhelmed in batman works, Scarecrow and Riddler. Both these villains have a huge potential to wreck havoc in Gotham and for the first time one of them gets on nerves of our caped crusader.

This is a must read for every Batman fan, definitely recommended.