A review by mikewhiteman
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #236 by Emily B. Cataneo, Scott H. Andrews, Natalia Theodoridou


Every Black Tree - Natalia Theodoridou ****
Follows the burgeoning relationship between a man cursed to never die except by hanging from one specific tree and a woman who has been carrying the unborn baby of her dead husband's ghost for two years. The two are nicely developed, along with the woman's living child, and although there is hostility towards them from others, the focus is on them as the centre and source of the narrative energy. The connection between them all is touching and beautifully described.

And The Village Breathes - Emily B Cataneo *****
Loved the Sleepers and the way the sacrifices being made are gradually drawn out from the background. Really enjoyed the way this played with the demonisation of the other, as the village turns on Magda when she says the "monsters" are no different from her and should be helped. Becomes powerfully bleak; I felt drained by the end, in a good way.