A review by veronica87
Devil's Punch by Ann Aguirre


The fourth book in the Corine Soloman series finds our heroine heading off to the demon world, Sheol, to rescue her best friend. Chance, Corine's once and possibly future love, goes along to help, determined to prove that he is a changed man. The quest to see if both characters achieve their respective goals provides the underpinnings for everything that happens in this book.

I really enjoy Ann Aguirre as an author but I have to say that I like her Sirantha Jax series a little bit better than this one. A primary reason is there is bit too much waffling on Corine's part when it comes to her romantic life. Forget about a love triangle, this one becomes a love square by the third book. Seeing Corine vascillate between three love interests was tiresome for me and took away a lot of the shine of this series. That said, Corine does seem to come to a final decision on that front in this book.

The story itself as presented in this book was enjoyable for the most part until about the two thirds mark. At that point, there is some weirdness going on with Corine and I'm not sure that it, or how Chance responded to it, worked for me. There also seemed to be a feeling of rushing to the ending, which was unsatisfying. The ending itself took me by surprise and left me unsure if I should be feeling sad or hopeful - which of course means I have to read the next, and final book in this series. Not that that's a bad thing. :)