A review by duchess
Like a Boss by Adam Rakunas


At the very end of this book, Adam Rakunas includes a little blurb about the process of writing this book, & he notes that writing [b:Like a Boss|27272162|Like a Boss (Windswept, #2)|Adam Rakunas|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1459521171s/27272162.jpg|47325724] was the fastest turnaround time he'd ever done. It kinda shows.

Don't get me wrong, this was packed full of great Padma moments, stumbling from one bad situation to the next in her own way, but I can't help but feel like he bit off more than he could chew with the scope of this plot. By the end, there were still many unresolved issues and the central nefarious plot lacked sufficient motive for me to believe that it was natural.

In a way, I think what happened was the effort to make this book a direct allegory to current events distracted from the direct development of the details of the plot. That said, it was nice to see such idealistic events (a workers' revolt! RISE UP!) in a sci-fi novel! I'm sure Marx & Lenin looked down and smiled upon this book.

I really really really do like Padma though, so I hope lessons can be learned from this book for the third instalment!

P.S. OH and apparently Rakunas is a major Kameron Hurley fan so, you know, big bonus points for that :D