A review by ddiazmoron
Winterhouse by Ben Guterson


The keyword is amazing

Did you chose this book because of the cover? Perhaps. We all know we fall for that sometimes and could be not a good choice but Winterhouse could be a good book after all. Winterhouse is a story that you might like if you enjoy reading a little of mystery or you like word games. If this doesn’t satisfy you to know if to read it or not then think that is a book that you read quite fast.

The story start with Elizabeth, she is impulsive, enjoy all kind of puzzles and dislike their aunt and uncle but this Christmas she’s gonna spend it in a hotel called Winterhouse in the beginning she don’t like the idea but this change when she meets Freddy, an inventor who also likes puzzles. That’s how they start their friendship and is because of their likes why they start trying solving the mysteries of the hotel. There’s a painting with a unbreakable code, a gigantic puzzle and more but there is a book that Elizabeth found, this item give her a felling and that’s why she steals it from the library.

Speaking of her, she is one of those characters that you feel like they could be in front of yours eyes and you believe they’re real. For her personality and i say this because in my opinion when there’s a character who likes books I have always feel like that little detail make them a little more realistic normally to this kind of story but is also a little funny because they are inside of a book.

To end this review, I’m gonna say that Winterhouse make me to don’t want to stop reading and I highly recommend it. You’re going to want to read the sequel immediately and don’t forget that Winterhouse is a trilogy so there is a lot more to discover.