A review by minxy
Battling Boy by Paul Pope


To be honest the graphic novel was nothing to special in my opinion. I just felt that the story was a bit unimaginative and sometimes lacking in coherence. Furthermore, it felt very much as if Pope was just introducing the world and characters of Battling Boy and there was not much going on otherwise. The drawing style of Paul Pope in this graphic novel didn't do anything for me either. I just had the feeling that I saw most of it before because he also contributed to Batman comics before. On the other side, I really liked the colour scheme of Battling boy. It's vibrant and works very well for the different sequences of the story. Also, I liked the "Nightmare" villains although I'm did not really understand what kind of creatures they are. I really would have liked to know more about them. All in all, an ok graphic novel in my opinion but for people who really like graphic novels with heroes and supernatural stuff it would probably be a great read!