A review by jessbookishlife
Barnabas Tew and The Case Of The Nine Worlds by Columbkill Noonan


The fun thing about following a series is that you get to see their develop and get to know them better little by little, just like you would do with a friend. The first book in this series is an introduction to Barnabas and Wilfred, as well as Columkill's writing style and humor. With this one it was like another episode of Barnabas and Wilfred's crazy adventures in discovering the truth behind the crime.

To those that know about Barnie (as I'm now calling him) and Will's last adventure through the world of the Egyptian Gods, it wouldn't be a surprise to know that they are dealing with Gods again, this time they are sent to the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology. Well, if you thought the missing scarab was a crazy adventure, imagine this one. It's Norse Gods and we all know how crazy scary and bad-boys/girls they are portrait in myths and stories.

And they are trying to sad the world from Ragnarok? Yeah, when I read that I thought "This is going to be double trouble. I think I will take my chances with the end of the world or living in the hands of Brynhild and Will, because I don't know if Barnie will be okay when we get to half of the book." But that was what made me laugh because Barnie really is a funny man that truly believe he can do it, so it's always fun to read his comments and the dialogues between characters.

It was an amazing book, once again, with a different take on Mythology and funny concept in the Mystery/Crime genre that made this second book another unique novel. With action, danger and unusual circumstances we get to see how Barnabas Tew, aka Barnie, and (the underrated and hardworking sidekick) Wilfred, try to save the world by confronting the Gods and going on this rollercoaster of scenes that left me full of adrenaline and on the edge of my scene most of the time.

I won't tell you guys more because I want you to go read the first book and then this one. So of course I recommend it, especially if you like mysteries, adventure, humor and Mythology. Columbkill has this special writing style that makes reading this book enjoyable from beginning to end.

[I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel's Random Resources, and Columbkill Noonan for the eCopy of this book and for allowing me to join in the fun and by being a part of the blog tour with my honest review of the book.]