A review by mattycakesbooks
Sin City, Vol. 6: Booze, Broads, and Bullets by Frank Miller


I think Frank Miller's one of those guys who is great if you just kind of ignore the somewhat sadistic and misogynistic basis of all of his Sin City books. Reading these are like watching a Tarantino movie: you're mildly alarmed at the delight you're feeling while viewing the ruthless violence, and you're less surprised but still uneasy at the enjoyment of the depiction of women, but you can't really help liking it.

I don't have a defense. Maybe it's because it's borderline porn at parts and is, like every other Frank Miller thing I've seen, uber-masculine to the nth degree, thus appealing to baser senses. But the snappy dialogue and the gorgeous black-and-white art probably give it SOME artistic merit. I know I shouldn't like it, and from what I've read in some of Frank Miller's interviews he IS a bit of a misogynist and a slight racist as well - with female empowerment looking like a prostitute with a gun - but I'll be damned if he isn't talented.